All British League Table Tennis League Results – Fixtures Etc.
can be found on the British League Website
Ormesby are Premier British League champions
2018 – 2019.
Despite a 3-2 defeat by Urban TTC, the Ormesby team, who only needed one point to take the title knew they had achieved it when Ormesby’s Tianyuan Liu beat Urban’s Daniel Kosiba 3-1 in the second set ensuring that the Ormesby team would be champions.
With a very good crowd, by far the best of the 2018/2019 season, both teams produced some exciting table tennis to send the spectators home really happy.
The Ormesby team were presented with the Premier League Cup by Tom Purcell (3rd left) from Table Tennis England. Ormesby Chairman, Alan Ransome is next to Tom holding the Premier League Cup.